A collection of programs run on a Raspberry Pi Pico to control a uv exposure unit (mainly used for exposing PCBs)
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2024-11-16 15:43:07 +01:00
lib Updated submodules, implemented timer functionality, fixed configuration issue 2024-11-15 23:13:03 +01:00
.gitmodules Added lcdMenu as a submodule 2024-11-15 17:47:19 +01:00
config.json Changed the log level default to 1 (info) 2024-11-16 15:11:13 +01:00
input_tests.py Moved to json as the configuration format 2024-11-15 15:31:37 +01:00
lcd_big_hello.py Fixed some small issues with some programs still using the old configuration way 2024-11-15 18:38:33 +01:00
lcd_driver_demo.py Added another demo, this one showing off the lcd driver functionality 2024-11-16 15:09:04 +01:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2024-10-26 07:24:20 +00:00
main.py Improved the welcome screen enable/disable dialog 2024-11-16 15:41:10 +01:00
README.md Fixed typos, improved understandability 2024-11-16 15:43:07 +01:00
utils.py Fixed bug in the logging method 2024-11-16 15:08:18 +01:00


A collection of programs run on a Raspberry Pi Pico to control a uv exposure unit (mainly used for exposing PCBs)


This software is strongly customized to my needs, and my DIY exposure unit has two buttons and one switch to interact with the software (and a power switch FWIW). Also, a 16x2 display (maybe 20x4 or others do also work, but these are not tested) can show information to the user. A relais is used for switching all the LEDs.

Device Pin Pi Pico Pin
BTN_1 Pin 1 3.3V
BTN_1 Pin 2 GPIO15
BTN_2 Pin 1 3.3V
BTN_2 Pin GPIO14
SWITCH Pin 1 3.3V
Relais control pin GPIO21

Software installation

To install this software on your Pi Pico, first clone the repository with git clone --recurse-submodules to populate the submodules also (some libraries are included as submodules). Then use Thonny, open all the files present in this repository and then save them onto a Raspberry Pi Pico (or Pico 2, but it's not tested on this platform yet) running MicroPython. Then, given you followed above wiring, it should just be running! Then you can jump over the configuration section.

First configuration

All the configuration can be done in the config.json file in JSON format just have a look around there. Some hints for editing this file:

  • For a description of all of the attributes, see below

  • When editing the startup section strings, make sure the "STARTUP_PROJECT_NAME" and the "STARTUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED" values have the same length as your display can show (likely 16 characters). Otherwise it could be that some things won't be displayed correctly.

  • When changing Pins in the Pinout section, make sure to follow the pinout assignment of your Pi Pico board (e.g. the i2c sda and scl pins)

  • If your display doesn't work properly - the first issue might be a wrong i2c address. To find the address of your display, just follow some of the tutorials on the internet on scanning for i2c devices (e.g. here).

  • The most basic configuration changes can be made directly from the device, without the need of connecting it to a PC, essentially making it a kind-of standalone device once flashed!

Attribute table

Attribute name (on top level in config.json) Type Description Default
"LOG_LEVEL" int defines up to which log level to show log messages in the serial console: warn (0), info (1), debug (2) 1
"STARTUP_WELCOME_SHOW" bool show the startup screen? true
"STARTUP_PROJECT_NAME" str the name shown at the welcome/startup screen " UV-Belichter "
"STARTUP_MESSAGE_STARTING" str the message shown at startup when starting "Starting..."
"STARTUP_PROJECT_FINISHED" str the message shown at startup when finished " Started! "
"STARTUP_WELCOME_CYCLES" int how often the starting string shall go over the welcome screen 1
"PIN_IN_BTN_1" dict the dict must contain the "pin" and "pull" keys with respective values {"pin": 15, "pull": "down"}
"PIN_IN_BTN_2" dict as above {"pin": 14, "pull": "down"}
"PIN_IN_SWITCH" dict as above {"pin": 13, "pull": "down"}
"PIN_OUT_RELAIS" int pin number where the relais is connected 21
"PIN_SDA" int the pin number of the sda wire connected to the lcd 8
"PIN_SCL" int the pin number of the scl wire connected to the lcd 9
"LCD_I2C_CH" int the channel of the i2c bus used 0
"LCD_I2C_ADDR" int the i2c address of the lcd; make sure to convert hexadecimal to decimal numbers 38
"LCD_I2C_NUM_ROWS" int how many rows for character display has the display? 2
"LCD_I2C_NUM_COLS" int and how many characters can it display per row? 16
"TIMER_1_DURATION" int the timer duration of the first timer; IN SECONDS 60 (1min)
"TIMER_2_DURATION" int as above, but of the seconds timer; IN SECONDS 2400 (40min)
"TIMER_3_DURATION" int as above, but of the third timer; IN SECONDS 2700 (45min)

Note that this software has it's own small wrapper for the config file, e.g. to have instant access to an LCD object generated on the fly. These are all documented in the utils.py file! When setting configuration options from your custom code, keep in mind that doing this via the Config().<ATTR_NAME> way just means writing the value directly to the file, while getting it goes through the wrapper to make e.g. the pin a machine.Pin object. But you just can't write a pin back into an attribute.

This will NOT work:

from utils import Config
from machine import Pin
cfg = Config()

btn1 = cfg.PIN_IN_BTN_1

# Now we don't like this setting anymore
new_btn1 = Pin(10, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)
cfg.PIN_IN_BTN_1 = new_btn1

Instead, you have to do it that way:

from utils import Config
from machine import Pin
cfg = Config

btn1 = cfg.PIN_IN_BTN_1

# Now we don't like it so we write the new pin in our json format
cfg.PIN_IN_BTN_1 = {"pin": 10, "pull": "down"}

So, as the Config class uses python's magic function for getting and setting attributes, the process of changing some config is not completely intuitive, but when keeping that in mind, it's very handy!

Used libraries

  • PCF8574T - a driver for the i2c multiplexer used to address the 2x16 lcd display
  • WelcomeScreen - used to display a small welcome message in the beginning
  • lcdMenu - used for the menus

Learning curve

Here are some of the websites I learnt a lot from while programming this project - mainly here for documentation reasons.


This project is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later. See LICENSE.