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uv-belichter-software - the TIMER submenu
Copyright (C) 2024 Benjamin Burkhardt
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from time import sleep, time_ns
# All the arguments this method takes are there for one reason: reduce the amount of libraries loaded into the picos memory and thus improving performance
# config: utils.Config object
# btn_mapping: a dict containing the btn mapping for the menu operation (given to the lcdMenu object)
# log: the utils.log function
# lcdMenu: the lcdMenu class (not an object of that class!)
def run(config, btn_mapping, log, lcdMenu):
timer_menu = lcdMenu(config.LCD, btn_mapping, scroll_direction=True, cycle=True, hide_menu_name=False, name="TIMERS")
timer_values_original = [config.TIMER_1_DURATION, config.TIMER_2_DURATION, config.TIMER_3_DURATION]
timer_values = timer_values_original.copy() # here, the current timers time is stored when interrupting via the interrupt_pin (see below)
timer_splits = [lambda: divmod(round(timer_values[0]), 60), lambda: divmod(round(timer_values[1]), 60), lambda: divmod(round(timer_values[2]), 60)]
interrupt_pin = config.PIN_IN_BTN_1 # the interrupt btn stops the timer, saves the current time and goes back to the menu
reset_pin = config.PIN_IN_BTN_2 # the reset btn restores the default value
start_stop_pin = config.PIN_IN_SWITCH # the start_stop switch starts/stops the timer
# timer_number is the number of the timer that will be run, starting at 1
# the _timer variable is needed because otherwise python will throw crazy errors regarding "variable accessed before assignment"...
# ...just see it as a copy of the timer_number-1'th elemnt of the timer_values list (see above)
def run_timer(timer_number: int, _timer: int):
config.LCD.putstr(f"Timer {timer_number}".center(16))
last_start_stop_value = start_stop_pin.value()
last_time_ns = time_ns()
while True: # now run the timer (if the switch is high)
_timer_div = divmod(round(_timer), 60)
if interrupt_pin.value() == 1:
timer_values[timer_number-1] = _timer # save the current state
last_start_stop_value = 0 # turn the LEDs off!
return None
if reset_pin.value() == 1:
_timer = timer_values_original[timer_number-1] # reset the timers
if _timer <= 0:
return True
if last_start_stop_value != (new_value := start_stop_pin.value()):
last_start_stop_value = new_value
last_time_ns = time_ns()
if start_stop_pin.value() == 1:
_timer -= (time_ns() - last_time_ns) / 1000**3
last_time_ns = time_ns()
timer_programs = [(f"T1 - {timer_splits[0]()[0]:02d}:{timer_splits[0]()[1]:02d}", lambda: run_timer(1, timer_values[0])),
(f"T2 - {timer_splits[1]()[0]:02d}:{timer_splits[1]()[1]:02d}", lambda: run_timer(2, timer_values[1])),
(f"T3 - {timer_splits[2]()[0]:02d}:{timer_splits[2]()[1]:02d}", lambda: run_timer(3, timer_values[2])),
("Exit", timer_menu.stop)]
timer_menu.setup(timer_programs) # give it the callback list
return True # disable the "Quitting" message from lcdMenu
if __name__ == "__main__":
from utils import Config, log
from lcdMenu import lcdMenu
config = Config()
btn_mapping = {"ok_btn": config.PIN_IN_BTN_1, "next_btn": config.PIN_IN_BTN_2} # the btn mapping for all lcdMenus
run(Config(), btn_mapping, log, lcdMenu)