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Simple Bluetooth Receiver

Simple bluetooth receiver built on ESP32 using the AudioTools library. It gets an a2dp stream via bluetooth and then transmits it to a I2S device (e.g. PCM5102A).


Just a

  • ESP32 (eg. dev module) and
  • a external DAC (eg. PCM5102A breakout boards)

are needed for this to work.

Connecting together:

I2S device ESP32 Usage
VIN/VCC 3V3/5V (refer to the DACs specs) Power (3V)
WS/LRCLK GPIO15 Word select
DIN/Data GPIO22 actual i2s data
BCLK GPIO14 Serial clock


Just clone the repo, open the project in arduino IDE, connect ESP32, select correct Board Type. Due to the large size of the libraries used, the partition scheme needs to be changed: Go to Tools -> Partition Scheme and select Minimal SPIFFS. Now compile and flash using the upload button (or CTRL+U)!


This project is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later. See LICENSE.