2023-11-02 17:01:51 +00:00
from machine import I2C, Pin, Timer
import time
class CounterScreen:
def __init__(self, lcd, counterArray):
self.lcd = lcd
self.counterArray = counterArray
2023-11-02 17:43:55 +00:00
self._zfill = lambda s, length: '{:0>{w}}'.format(s, w=length) # function that fills a given string with a given amount of preceding zeroes
self.last_line1 = "" # used to prevent screen flickering
self.last_line2 = "" # used to prevent screen flickering
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self.too_many_counters_warning_shown = False
def _too_many_counters_warning(self):
# Function:
# show a short message saying that not more that 5 counters can be displayed.
# This is a INTERNAL class function, don't call from outside!
# Stops program flow for approx. 15s
self.lcd.putstr(" WARNING! ")
message = "Can't display more than 5 counters. Cutting the overflow. "
message = message + " +++ " + message
while message != " ":
message = message[1:]
self.too_many_counters_warning_shown = True
def show_screen(self):
# Function:
# show a screen on the lcd, table layout: row 1 shows the short names of the counters,
# row 2 shows the values.
# This function SHALL be called once at init of the class as it can stop execution for
# approx. 15s at first run!
line1 = ""
line2 = ""
number_counters = len(self.counterArray._counters)
if number_counters > 5:
if not self.too_many_counters_warning_shown:
number_counters = 5
## show different views depending on how many counters exist
if number_counters < 1:
line1 = " WARNING! "
line2 = " No counters. "
elif number_counters == 1:
line1 = "* C1 "
line2 = "* " + str(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[0][1].value)
elif number_counters == 2:
v0 = str(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[0][1].value)
v1 = str(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[1][1].value)
line1 = "* C1 * C2 "
line2 = "* " + v0 + (6-len(v0))*" " + "* " + v1 + (6-len(v1)) * " "
elif number_counters == 3:
v0 = str(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[0][1].value)
v1 = str(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[1][1].value)
v2 = str(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[2][1].value)
line1 = "C1 * C2 * C3 "
line2 = v0 + (3-len(v0))*" " + " * " + v1 + (3-len(v1))*" " + " * " + v2 + (4-len(v2))*" "
elif number_counters == 4:
line1 = "|C1 |C2 |C3 |C4 "
for i in range(4):
line2 += "|" + self._zfill(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[i][1].value, 3)[:3]
line1 = "|C1|C2|C3|C4|C5|"
for i in range(5):
line2 += "|" + self._zfill(list(self.counterArray._counters.items())[i][1].value, 2)[:2]
line2 += "|"
# check if something changed, if so, redraw it
if line1 != self.last_line1:
self.last_line1 = line1
if line2 != self.last_line2:
self.last_line2 = line2