
A simple docker image I used to teach me the basics of docker images and how to build them.

Build the container

To build the container to an image called "cmatrix-demo", run

docker build -t cmatrix-demo .

Multi-platform builds

To do a build for multiple architectures, run:

sudo docker buildx create --name buildx-multi-arch
sudo docker buildx use buildx-multi-arch

Then, to build it (e.g. for amd64 and arm64/v8):

sudo docker buildx build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8 -t cmatrix-demo .

Please note that this will not load the images into the local image store (because it's obviously hard to run images built for the wrong architecture)! For uploading this to a container registry, see below.

Pushing the container to a registry

As you've got everything working, maybe it's time to share the work! This can be done by uploading the built image to a docker container registry, e.g. Docker Hub.

First, sign into your Docker Hub account with your local docker installation (to create an account head to https://app.docker.com/signup in your favourite browser). The procedure is self-explaining:

docker login

To build and push the image directly to Docker Hub, use the following command (differs from the one above only in the --push option):

sudo docker buildx build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8 -t <USER>/cmatrix-demo . --push
A simple docker image I used to teach me the basics of docker images and how to build them
Readme 41 KiB
Dockerfile 100%