Commands I executed for testing the build of cmatrix in a alpine-based docker container. The workflow: These can be copied to a plain Dockerfile (with only the alpine base and possibly author info already defined) and then cleaned to a single RUN command. ```sh #git apk update apk add git git clone cd cmatrix/ #autoreconf -i # skip if using released tarball apk add --no-cache autoconf #autoreconf -i # skip if using released tarball apk add --no-cache automake autoreconf -i # skip if using released tarball #./configure #autoreconf -i # skip if using released tarball #echo $? #./configure LDFLAGS="-static" # for static compilation apk add alpine-sdk # base compilers #./configure LDFLAGS="-static" # for static compilation #apk add ncurses #./configure LDFLAGS="-static" # for static compilation #apk add ncurses ncurses-dev #./configure LDFLAGS="-static" # for static compilation #apk add ncurses ncurses-dev ncurses-static #./configure LDFLAGS="-static" # for static compilation apk add ncurses-dev ncurses-static #./configure LDFLAGS="-static" # for static compilation #mkdir /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts /usr/share/consolefonts mkdir /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts -p mkdir /usr/share/consolefonts -p ./configure LDFLAGS="-static" # for static compilation make ./cmatrix #./cmatrix -b #history ```