from WelcomeScreen import WelcomeScreen from machine import I2C, Pin from PCF8574T import I2C_LCD LCD_SDA = Pin(8) # just some standard I2C serial data (SDA) outputs (on I2C channel 0 on Pi Pico) LCD_SCL = Pin(9) # just some standard I2C serial clock (SCL) outputs (on I2C channel 0 on Pi Pico) LCD_I2C_ADDR = 0x27 # the i2c adress of the display (yours might be different to this one) LCD_I2C_NUM_ROWS = 2 # how many rows for character display has the display? LCD_I2C_NUM_COLS = 16 # and how many characters can it display per row? LCD = I2C_LCD(I2C(0, sda=LCD_SDA, scl=LCD_SCL, freq=400000), LCD_I2C_ADDR, LCD_I2C_NUM_ROWS, LCD_I2C_NUM_COLS) ws = WelcomeScreen(LCD) lcd.putstr("Now your program")